Syllabus Creation and Testing: 1.5

Syllabus Creation and Testing: 1.5

oleh Dennis Daniels -
Jumlah balasan: 0
After using Moodle now for a little over six months I have a rather large db of quiz questions. By my current estimates I have over 12,000 questions, many with detailed feedback. (In the United States, the value of a large database of questions by topic cannot be overstated. Testing is the rule and the more tests teachers can administer and analyze the happier administrators and school boards are in the final evaluation.)

I've been asked to create multiple courses based on the materials I have created. What I would like to know is if 1.5 has the capability of creating one quiz description and format, pulling random questions from the same data set, and populating the next X number of weeks with the same quiz increasing the quiz number automatically.

Moodle has great potential for quick curriculum development! Is automatic quiz creation or templating in 1.5?

Many thanks!
Dennis Daniels
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