Viewing Grades for non editing teachers

Viewing Grades for non editing teachers

Timothy Lowe -


I hope someone can help, I am very new to Moodle and trying to resolve problems whilst a colleague who knows a lot more than me is away on extended leave.

We have an area in our Moodle site, which is just for teaching staff. It includes teaching guides, etc. It also includes a number of quizzes intended for new teachers. One of my senior colleagues wants to be able to see in the gradebook, whether new starters have actually completed these quizzes and how they did.

I have been trying to grant her access, but it seems (even with my own administrators account) we can only view results in the gradebook, if the quizzes were completed by a staff member using a student account. We can't see any of the results of teachers with non-editing teachers accounts (which is almost everyone)

I am really surprised that even with my own admin account I can't view this information. I have been trying to look through the sites policies etc to figure this out, but my inexperience and lack of knowledge of how things were initially set up are proving a hinderance.

I hope I have explains things reasonably clearly, if anyone has any advice please let me know?





回复Timothy Lowe

Re: Viewing Grades for non editing teachers

Mary Cooch -
Documentation writers的头像 Moodle HQ的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Testers的头像 Translators的头像

Hi -yes - you have explained it fine. It's because teachers or non-editing teachers aren't expected to do the actitivities so they don't appear in the gradebook - go to settings>Site administration>Grades >General settings and select non-editing teacher for Graded roles. Then they will appear.  However, the easiest thing is if you want your teachers to do new induction stuff (as we do) then add them as students -even though in the real world they are teachers微笑

And by the way - if your  "more experienced colleague" is on extended leave then keep coming back to these forums for lots of help!微笑

回复Mary Cooch

Re: Viewing Grades for non editing teachers

Timothy Lowe -

Hi Mary,

Thank you so much, why didn't I think of looking there! One possible concern I have about implementing this is that I think all of our non-editing teachers will be able to see the results of their colleagues.

Is there a way I can give this individual member of staff access to this information?

Thank you for the suggestion of enrolling the teachers as students for the test, it is a possible back up plan 微笑

I really do appreciate your help.

回复Timothy Lowe

Re: Viewing Grades for non editing teachers

Mary Cooch -
Documentation writers的头像 Moodle HQ的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Testers的头像 Translators的头像

If you put all your teachers in the course with the activities as students then they will only be able to see  their own results. If they are in as non-editing teachers then they will be able to see each others' results so they are better off as students. You could give specified staff teacher access - ie those in charge of CPD for instance.