

by Gordon Bateson -
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I have made a breakthrough with the update script. I'm pretty sure I have discovered for sure why the attempts were not transferred correctly when updating to "HotPot v2". I had misunderstood the role of the "hotpotid" field in the "hotpot_events" table. However, I pretty confident the update script is working correctly now.

I would like to ask again for volunteers to test out the updating process. I am especially keen to verify that updating from the current official HotPot module to "HotPot v2" does not lose previously recorded scores for attempts at HotPot quizzes.

If you have a Moodle site that you can use for testing, please could you try the following:

  • verify that you have the current official HotPot module installed (i.e. Tom Robb's HotPot module)
  • create a simple course and add a couple of HotPot quizzes
  • take a few attempts at the quizzes
  • look at the report for your attempts and make a note details such as how many there are, what the scores are, which are maked as "viewed"
  • update the HotPot module to "HotPot v2"
  • have another look at the report of the HotPot quizzes, and verify all information has been transferred to the updated module intact.

I would be most grateful for feedback as to how you the update went, because if we can verify that it works, we will be well on the way to incorporating "HotPot v2" into the standard Moodle package.

As always the latest version of "HotPot v2" is available from the following URL:

many thanks in advance

P.S. As a by product of my testing the update script, I can confirm that "HotPot v2" works on Moodle 1.1.1. (dated 2003-09-11). It was the earliest version I had. Does anyone have anything ealier? Or more importantly, does anyuone USE anything earlier smile

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