email alert when someone submit a choice

email alert when someone submit a choice

sophie sun -
Vastausten määrä: 1

Hey,there. I am creating a choice and hope that when someone submits a choice,an email will be sent to my account as either assessor or manager.It is possible?Thanks in advance.

Arviointien keskiarvo: -
Vastaus sophie sun

Re: email alert when someone submit a choice

Paula Clough -


The choice set up doesn't include the option of having you emailed when someone posts to it. I have heard some talk in the forums about individuals programing to get that to happen, but haven't seen any plugins etc. or specific code.  Perhaps someone will post with more specific information.

You might try using the feedback module for that if all you need is the information. It is available in 2 and above as part of the core, in 1.9 or lower, you would need the plugin installed.  In the Moodle version 2.1 that we have, it is possible to have the feedback module list an analysis page after submission if you want the users to see the analysis so far.

Paula Clough viilee