file handling by students

file handling by students

von Jon Lloyd -
Anzahl Antworten: 3
I am trying to find a way of allowing students to use moodle to transfer files form school whre they have access to school network and home whre they have acess to the internet. Is there a way of setting them up a block/course etc for their own use whre they can upload files and then downlaod at home? Does DMS do this or can anybody please point me in the right direction.

Jon Lloyd, Assistant Headteacher, Moseley Park School, Wolves UK
Mittelwert:  -
Als Antwort auf Jon Lloyd

Re: file handling by students

von Darren Smith -
I previously just set up online assignments with 'no grade' so they could upload and download files from there.

We now use the MyFiles which is fantastic and adds an important aspect to collaborative learning.

Scan this forum for MyFiles for further information
Als Antwort auf Darren Smith

Re: file handling by students

von Ralph Hanzen -


Is MyFiles incorporated in the 1.5 version? I am running 1.5 and can not find that option. Any help?

