Mapping a letter grade to a score, or sum of scores

Mapping a letter grade to a score, or sum of scores

James Sick -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

We are using Moodle 1.9.9. I have a Gradebook category called "Lecture Quizzes" that contains 5 five-point quizzes (total of 25 points). I would like individual quizzes and/or the total to be reported as a Value (Letter), the letter being the more important to users. 

Problem is that the standard value to letter conversion is too severe. We would like 5 points to be an A, 4 points a B, 3 points a C, 2 points a D. Or alternatively, a total of 22-25=A, 18-21=B, etc.

Could someone point me in the right direction? Should I be creating a new scale? Assigning a multiplier?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.