Add words to the spellchecker dictionary

Add words to the spellchecker dictionary

von George Kao -
Anzahl Antworten: 1
Does anyone know how to do this?

It's weird to have to click "ignore all" for the name of our school, which Aspell doesn't recognize...
Als Antwort auf George Kao

Re: Add words to the spellchecker dictionary

von Jeff Wood -

Hi George,

I'm sure there is... but I had to have my host do all the Aspell config for me so I doubt I could easily "add" words.

As a work a round I am using IESpell for Internet Explorer and SpellBound for Foxfire.


Both allow the addition of your own words and a choice of languages.


These programs have to be installed on your local machine and are user dependant.

Hope this helps.
