Allowing students to request access to a course

Allowing students to request access to a course

על ידי Hal MacLean בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 0

I've had a good hunt through the forums and can't see anything close to this, but apologies if I've overlooked it.

I'm using Moodle 2.1

I would like to allow a student to request access to any course that they are not enrolled in, and which has manual enrolment set up.

The situation is that the course content contains licensed materials for a set number of users only. I cannot allow self-enrollment as the number of licenses is well below the total number of students in the system, and I don't know in advance who will need to be enrolled.

Therefore, I need to be able to control the enrolment to the point where a student can see the course listing, but not gain entry, and can then ask to be enrolled. It would be even better if that process gave a simple form to allow the student to say *why* they ought to be enrolled.

Does anything like this exist? Is there a way to achieve it using the default tools?

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