Students no longer getting 'register for course' prompt?

Students no longer getting 'register for course' prompt?

от Jean Jones -
Number of replies: 0

How This Has Worked *Successfully* for the past 2 Years...

  1. LDAP authenticates users and if verfied, user is given 'Authenticated User' role upon accessing system.
  2. If user wants to take course, they click on the course link and get the prompt: Do you want to register for this course? Y/No
  3. If the user clicks YES, they are added to the Student Role for the course.

How Things Have Suddenly Stopped Working 

For the past 2 weeks, we're seeing a problem where when a user logs in and clicks on a course link, they are not getting the prompt to enroll

They now have *no* way of enrolling in a specific course. They are never prompted to enroll and there is no link on the course windows anywere that says 'Enroll me.'

Any ideas on what has suddenly become broken here? Any suggestions on how to fix this? 

This is wreaking some havoc for our poor Training Coordinator who is getting a flood of email requests and having to manually assign users to the Student role for our courses.

I'm not sure why this should suddenly stop working in Moodle. We haven't added any new plugins or modified the settings.

Also, we're still using Moodle 1.9. (We'd like to upgrade to the latest Moodle but our IT department doesn't want to upgrade to the required version of PHP right away--as it might interfere with some of our other apps that are using the slightly older PHP version.)