Hot Potatoes not working!

Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Simon James -
Number of replies: 8

I have installed the Hot Potatoes Mod, and can now add Hot Potatoe Files in the 'Add an Activity..' - all seems to go ok, only once done, and I try to view it I get the following error:

The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

It is saved as an .htm file

Also: After I have uploaded it (via moodle) i can see it in the edit option (looks fine) though try to open it and just gives the above error!!

Does anyone know what has happened?



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In reply to Simon James

Re: Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Gordon Bateson -
Mynd av Core developers Mynd av Peer reviewers Mynd av Plugin developers

Hi Simon,
it is strange that the quiz cannot be run from its ".htm" file.

I wonder, do you have any other HP quizzes that are running OK from their ".htm" files?

Also, do you have Hot Potatoes quizzes running OK from their XML files (".jcl", ".jcr", ".jmt", ".jmx", ".jqz")

Would it be possible to let me have access to the quiz running or your Moodle site so I can have a closer look? Alternatively, could you send me a copy of the quiz so I can test it on my own setup? (gordon at-sign kanazawa hyphen gu dot ac dot jp)

best regards

In reply to Gordon Bateson

Re: Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Simon James -

I just created this quck file to test if it worked. I've tried it with .html as well and same thing. When I upload the file I should be able to find it on the server somewhere.

I have attached the file - see if it is ok.

I haven't tried any xml files, as we were wanting to use their htm format.


In reply to Simon James

Re: Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Gordon Bateson -
Mynd av Core developers Mynd av Peer reviewers Mynd av Plugin developers

Thanks for sending the quiz. I was able to add it and run it OK on my server:

Perhaps you could try some other tests on your site. For example, you could try linking directly to the quiz by selecting "Link to a file or website" from the "Add a resource" menu. Can you view the quiz then? If not, what is the URL that is sent to the browser when you try to view the quiz as a resource? Is that what you think it should be?

I wonder, if you could you set up guest access to the site so that I can have a look? Perhaps that's not possible, but if it is, please l let me know off list.

all the best

In reply to Gordon Bateson

Re: Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Simon James -

Just letting you know, Moodle does not seem to be letting me upload any files at all!!

Well it seems as if it does (all gets uploaded - stored in the files window) But the page does not exist when I open it??

Do you know why, or should I post this new problem in a more suitable forum?


In reply to Simon James

Re: Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Gordon Bateson -
Mynd av Core developers Mynd av Peer reviewers Mynd av Plugin developers

If you can't upload any files, then I think the problem lies outside of the HotPotatoes.

Has this started just recently? Are there any other major events, apart from the installing the HotPotatoes module that might have caused this problem?

Perhaps it might a good idea to check on the other forums to see if people with your versions of Moodle and your server OS have had similar difficulties.

sorry, I don't seem to have any great ideas mixed

In reply to Gordon Bateson

Re: Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Simon James -

Only just installed Moodle, no everything else seems to be working great, the only thing I have installed is the Hot Potatoes Mod - but I hadn't checked to see if uploads were working before I installed HotPots!!

I'm on Windows 2000 - don't think there should be a problem, the only thing I can think it has somehting to do with the way in which my moodledata folder is set up maybe??

The files have been put in there - that is for sure, but perhaps when I want to open the link - is it possible it may be looking elsewhere for the folder?

If so what are all the files that I have to check to see if the right directory for 'moodledata' has been inserted correctly



In reply to Simon James

Re: Hot Potatoes not working!

eftir Gordon Bateson -
Mynd av Core developers Mynd av Peer reviewers Mynd av Plugin developers
Dear Simon,
probably you have done this already, but since you are sing a new Moodle installation, it would be worth double checking the settings for "wwwroot" in the "moodle/config.php" file.

Still racking my brains for other ideas ...