Account confirmation link not clickable

Re: Account confirmation link not clickable

Napisane przez: Clément Prudhomme ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0
Obraz Plugin developers Obraz Testers

Hi Randy,

Thank your for your solution. I just see something strange.

  • If I use <a href="{$a->link}">{$a->link}</a> with 'emailconfirmation', it's working.
  • If I use for others strings like "emailresetconfirmation", "newusernewpasswordtext", "emailpasswordchangeinfo", the email doesn't display link but something like


The text seems to be cut (text 'href' is displayded and it's missing " <a " before href) and we can not see he links in emails. Anyone know why this solution works with 'emailconfirmation' and not with others strings ?

In my case, i use Moodle 3.1.

Best regards.