Students Commenting on a Quiz.

Students Commenting on a Quiz.

per Shani Evenstine -
Nombre de respostes: 4

Dear Tim & Community, 

My name is Shani, I work at Tel-Aviv University, Israel,  at the curriculum development office of the American Med. Program. 

Since in our program the students finally go back to the US and tested there in a computerized manner, all of our exams are now done on moodle. However, we have a huge problem - we need to find a technical solution that will allow students to comment directly on the quiz, after it is done, and that later on, we'll be able to see all the various comments on specific questions [with the possibility of maybe sending a report to the lecturers, so they can answer the students' comments] - much like what the questionnaire option allows. 

Tim, I've read a previous thread in which you suggest to someone who requested a similar thing adding essay questions to the quiz but that's not a good solution for us - first, we'd like the students to concentrate on the exam first, and then, when it's done, go over it and add comments [also, questions and answers are random]. We thought of coping each quesion as an essey question, and let students do it after the original exam, but that does not allow the lecturer to see all comments on a specific quesion together. 

We thought of creating a questionnaire, which gives the option of seeing multiple comments on a specific question. That would have been perfect, but then we found that questionnaires do not give the option of having a "safe exam", like in a quiz. Our exams *has* to be protected [among other issues for copy-rights reasons] , so we can't have the questionnaire opened, because that would mean students will have access and they will copy the exam. 

We were wondering if there's anything you can suggest. Maybe there's an option we haven't thought of, or maybe it would be possible to do something so that the questionnaire would have the "browser security" option. 

Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist!

Best regards,

Shani Evenstine, 

Curriculum Development Office,

NY-Med Program, TAU. 

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En resposta a Shani Evenstine

Re: Students Commenting on a Quiz.

per Tim Hunt -
Imatge Core developers Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Peer reviewers Imatge Plugin developers

You don't say which version of Moodle you are using.

If you are using Moodle 2.0+, then try adding an instance of the comments block to the quiz review page.

I have a feeling that will not acutally work, because I think the comments block is designed to be one shared set of comments for all users about the context being viewed, and presumably you don't want all the students to see each other's comments.

However, if you look at the comments block, you will see that it is a very small amount of code. I think you will find it easy (if you are a Moodle developer, or can find or pay one) to make a similar block that is optimised for the student and teacher discussing a quiz attempt.

En resposta a Tim Hunt

Re: Students Commenting on a Quiz.

per Joseph Rézeau -
Imatge Core developers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Plugin developers Imatge Testers Imatge Translators

@Tim, as you say, the Comments block would be quite useful in this context, if it were restricted to viewing by student "owner" and teacher, not by everyone.

See this discussion

@Shani, if you are interested, you might consider voting for my bug report MDL-25580, created:06/Dec/2010, which so far has gathered a grand total of ... 0 votes.Trist


En resposta a Tim Hunt

Re: Students Commenting on a Quiz.

per Shani Evenstine -

Hmm. Unfortunately we're using right now moodle 1.9.

What about the questionnaire? Is it possible to add a security feature to it?

Thanks much for all the help,
