Let Course Creator Assign Teacher...

Let Course Creator Assign Teacher...

Jonas Lagneryd - ން
Number of replies: 2

We use  Moodle 1.9.7+ (Build: 20091216). We want the Course Creator to be able to assign other users the roles of Teacher and Non-Editing Teacher.

However the Assign roles feature in the Administration Block, never shows up in the courses created by the Course Creator. What should we attend to?

All advice is welcome!  / Jonas ހިނިތުން ވުން

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In reply to Jonas Lagneryd

Re: Let Course Creator Assign Teacher...

Adi Tedjasaputra - ން

Hi Jonas,

The permission to allow role assignments for the Course Creator may have been restricted. You may want to check the permission setting at: Site Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles > Allow role assignments

Kind regards ހިނިތުން ވުން


In reply to Adi Tedjasaputra

Re: Let Course Creator Assign Teacher...

Jonas Lagneryd - ން

Thanks Adi!

There is still this issue:

When I am logged in with the new role "Course creator", it gives me a notification that I do not have permissions to assign roles, i.e. after I have created a new course.

So how can I get the Course Creator role to be able to Assign roles in the course he/she has created?

