

by Andrew Robertson -
Number of replies: 4

Good Day,

I am wondering if there is an easy way around disabling Moodle's requirement to write to the dataroot, or if I could use a {temp} directory on a client's computer.

Ultimately, I have gotten to the point where the system works but does not load because of this issue. Once I get past this point, my system will run on a DVD no problem.

I have done two days worth of searching for the answer and digging through source files, but I figured it may be easier to ask the Moodle community if there is an answer. I do not need to write any files to hte server once on DVD because I will have made a template DVD requiering no more upload/changes to hte file system, I just want people to be able to use the system for offline viewing.

Please don't flame me because I have read in the past that moodle is not portable on DVD, but I think this requirement to post files to the DVD can be remedied.

రేటింగుల సగటు: -
In reply to Andrew Robertson

Re: moodledata

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Particularly helpful Moodlers బొమ్మ Translators బొమ్మ
Your basic problem is conceptual: You are looking for a CBT solution whereas Moodle is WBT

That being said, there are various approaches to make Moodle "portable". But since this kind of software ultimately run on somebody else's computer they become operating system dependent. What is the operating system you have in mind?

In reply to Andrew Robertson

Re: moodledata

by Guillermo Madero -

Just thinking out loud... maybe you could set up a ramdisk with the required moodledata directory structure.

In reply to Guillermo Madero

Re: moodledata

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Particularly helpful Moodlers బొమ్మ Translators బొమ్మ

ramdisk? For the HIMEM above 640 KB?

Seriously, that implies that the software boots with its own OS. Still I question the purpose of the original idea. What is the use of a Moodle site which starts from the beginning after every reboot?

But for "persistent" solutions, the technology has become much simpler, for example.
In reply to Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: moodledata

by Guillermo Madero -

Well, coming from the prehistoric era of DOS, hehe, it came to me as a possibility... for example, I still use a bootable cd that comes with Norton Ghost and creates a small memory drive at boot time to load the required files.

You are right about the OS! The link you provide also considers a linux cd. I think that with some playing around (with initrd?) the ramdisk could then be created.

Maybe the following link could be of some help: