Assignment feedback automatic email response?

Assignment feedback automatic email response?

Velson Horie -

I receive email notifications that a student has submitted an Assignment (experiment report) .  I then mark it and attach a model answer. 

Is it possible for Moodle to respond to an Assignment submission from a student with an automatic response, e.g. an email containing the model answer, or similar? 

I am using Moodle 1.9 but shall be moving to 2 in due course.

回复Velson Horie

Re: Assignment feedback automatic email response?

S. kavita -

Hello Velson

When you click on "View submitted assignment" then you get Grades option. When you click on this grades option then you will get a page containing "Feedback", "Attach response file" and send notification options. With all these links you can respond to students with email containing model answer.

回复S. kavita

Re: Assignment feedback automatic email response?

Velson Horie -

Thank you for this advice.  I cannot see it in the 1.9 version I am using.  Presumably it is available in 2.0 onwards.  I look forward to upgrading.

回复Velson Horie

Re: Assignment feedback automatic email response?

Mary Cooch -
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Just to clarify: in Moodle 2 you can't set an automatic  email response with a model answer, as you cannot in Moodle 1.9 But you can manually as you grade work send back a response and the student gets an email telling them you have done so.

回复Mary Cooch

Re: Assignment feedback automatic email response?

Lael ... -
I don't think its possible to set up an auto email with a sample answer. But you might be able to set up a resource in moodle2 that becomes available upon completion of the assignment? Though I haven't tries this.