What to do with old courses

Re: What to do with old courses

von Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) -
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The Hide/Unhide feature sounds great. It would require, I assume, that instructors know their course id number, right?

Why ? Instructors will be able to determine the availability of the course to STUDENTS (only), mantaining it in Moodle.

The back-up/restore feature, which I already have working, is a great feature, but it won't be a good solution to my problem because of the extra overload for the moodle administrator.

Working ? lächelnd Oh, I was thinking in this feature to archive your old courses when you are sure that there is no reason to mantain them in Moodle. And teachers will be able to do it, too (comming soon) !!

Ciao, Eloy.