teacher grading practic test quiz

teacher grading practic test quiz

per Danniel Fred -
Nombre de respostes: 4

hello, i have asked question here but nobody answerd me! is it really you don't have any practice exam in your courses? some subject that need manual grading!?!?




please help guys, i need the teacher to be able to grade the student as he sees him, like live assessment to the student while in practice exam, so the teacher will use drop-down, check box...etc then these to be going the grade book of that student, how we can do that in moodle?   manual grading is not the answer for this, as we need this to be done in total 5 minutes for each student using ipad or notebook so the teacher needs only to choose from radio buttons and combo box, therefore teacher needs to simulate the user? you can say that he is answering the quiz for the student but from his teacher account... please, help, give any idea or similar story/solution.  thanks in advanced

oh, yes, i have moodle 2.0

any idea or lead will be appreciated

Mitjana de qualificacions: -
En resposta a Danniel Fred

Re: teacher grading practic test quiz

per ben reynolds -


I don't think this is a quiz question. I thought there was an "assessment" forum, but I'm not finding it.

This is almost more of a "corporate training" sort of question, isn't it?

Its Me,

You didn't get no answer. Tim Hunt is the master of Quizzes. If he can't solve your problem, it's either not clearly stated or not possible to do with a Quiz.

I'm fairly clear from http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=192235 about what you want to do.

And, I don't think Quiz is the way to do it. Maybe Database?

En resposta a Danniel Fred

Re: teacher grading practic test quiz

per Marty Soupcoff -

As Ben mentioned, you did receive an answer. Maybe not the one you wanted but it is an answer.

Adding onto that, re-posting is probably not the best way to get an answer. If someone had an idea/recommendation, they would have posted it the first time. Re-posting actually makes people ignore you even more.

Anyway, two possible approaches

  1. You could override the permission in that course to give the teacher the ability to log in as other users. This would allow them to log in as the student and answer the quiz as the student. This is a pretty big permission to override though and would require you to show the teachers how it works. They would need to log in as one student, take the quiz, log out of that student and then log in as the next student; repeat cycle. This would push the grades to the student's grades though.
  2. A non-Moodle tool that would work is creating a Google Form. It is pretty much a survey tool. So you would need to create a form that includes a question that teachers could fill in the student name. From there they can fill in a form entry for each student. This will spit out all the results into a Google Spreadsheet. From there you would have to upload those grades to Moodle though as they won't push automatically.

Happy Moodle Logooodling!

En resposta a Marty Soupcoff

Re: teacher grading practic test quiz

per Danniel Fred -

Thanks Marty, appreciated.

I will try those ideas and wait for some more if anyone of the guys have other solution or perhaps someone faced similar scenario...

thanks again