Easy start to copy/paste to a HTML area

Easy start to copy/paste to a HTML area

per K S Ramachandran -
Nombre de respostes: 0


This a doubt on copy/ pasting selections from a .pdf file to the HTML space; I had asked a similar question in the lesson module but the answer was to paste it as an image; since the image file sizes may be high in general, I am tring to see if there are other ideas.

I have 12 chapters (or topics as they are called in Moodle) in my hard disk on Math in the form of a .pdf file. Now I wish to simply start off my Moodle lesson plan as though I am teaching in a physical class, by copy/ pasting the .pdf file's selected contents one by one in my Moodle lesson's content pages. The idea is that I set up the jumps for the flow of the lesson later on. The jumps are critical for my mission.

The .pdf file has many formulae, pictures, Math symbols and so on... When I copy a section from a pdf file, it seems to select only the text or an image or a table etc. So when pasting, the text alone works.

Can someone help with their ideas?

Thanks in advance


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