Mail Now Function

Mail Now Function

על ידי Kathleen Guerra בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 8

I am noticing that the "Mail now" option only sends mail now to users who have their profile settings set to receive one email per post. The "Mail now" option does not send mail now if the user has their profile settings set to a daily digest. Is this expected behavior? I thought that "Mail now" would override the user settings.

ממוצע דרוגים: -
בתגובה ל: Kathleen Guerra

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Richard Oelmann בתאריך
תמונה של Core developers תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers תמונה של Plugin developers תמונה של Testers

I don't know if its what the developers want or not - but as a user it would be what I want (although I completely recognise that others may feel differently - especially those sending the emails!). If I elect NOT to receive individual emails for every post but a daily digest, I don't want someone else deciding that they can override my wishes and send me individual emails anyway by telling the system to 'mail now' rather than in the default time period.

I use a number of forums (inside and outside moodle) and the ability to have a daily digest of some of them, rather than be bombarded with individual posts is important to me - and possibly prevents me leaving some of the more profilific ones! חיוך


בתגובה ל: Richard Oelmann

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Kathleen Guerra בתאריך

You make a valid point, Richard. For my organization's particular use case, we would use "Mail now" sparingly and only when the information is time-sensitive and cannot wait for the daily batch job to run.

בתגובה ל: Kathleen Guerra

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Peter Diedrichs בתאריך
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers

I agree with those who think that "Mail now" should actually do what the title says: Mail the notification immediately. Teachers use the News forum for important messages like "Today's class cancelled", and they think that when selecting "Mail now" it overrides the personal settings regarding notifications.

I really don't see the point otherwise, I mean if the users have set their profile to get separate notifications the cron scripts sends the notifications for each new post where they subscribe anyway, doesn't it?

בתגובה ל: Peter Diedrichs

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Peter Diedrichs בתאריך
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers

I've made a comment in the tracker:

Feel free to vote on it if you agree ;)

I do think this is an important matter, since most users actually think their urgent message is being sent to everyone right away!

בתגובה ל: Peter Diedrichs

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Bonnie Mioduchoski בתאריך

I am voting on this, thanks. I completely agree that as a teacher of a course I want to be able to send out a separate notice immediately. Sometimes we have time-sensitive information to convey. This feature should not be a capability for students - just teachers/admins.

In addition if Moodle ever wants to have some integration with Constant Contacts or similar type of mail services, being able to choose when an HTML designed email goes out - so it is featured in its full look - is important.

בתגובה ל: Kathleen Guerra

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Alie Warnes בתאריך

I had the exact same question so thank you...and maybe you can help me troubleshoot b/c we are not receiving email notifications at all when someone adds to the forum.  In settings I chose "initial subscription" and by default all the students are subscribed when they reply to a thread...but nothing?  Am I missing some hidden feature that I should adjust?


בתגובה ל: Alie Warnes

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Kathleen Guerra בתאריך

Hi Alie,

Did you enroll your users in the course after you set the forum settings? If you enrolled your users first and then set the forum settings to "yes, initially", that may be the problem. See below:

  • Changing the setting from "Yes, initially" to "No" will not unsubscribe existing users, it will only affect those who enrol in the course in the future. Similarly changing "Yes, initially" will not subscribe existing course users but only those enrolling later.

You might also want to make sure that your email cron job is running.

Hope this helps.

בתגובה ל: Kathleen Guerra

Re: Mail Now Function

על ידי Alie Warnes בתאריך

Thanks Kathleen!  I'll give this a try b/c I did enrol the users first.  Hopefully this works b/c I already made sure that the email cron job is running.
