Moodle documentation: Help:Content in toolbox and "bots"

Re: Moodle documentation: Help:Content in toolbox and "bots"

Chris Collman -
Кількість відповідей: 0
Фото Documentation writers

Hi Helen,

I will check out 1511.  

I thought we used to have a how to edit MoodleDocs link over to the left someplace, which went to Help:Content . Back when I had more hair, I recall creating a MediaWiki and was able to change the Nav menu.  I think this was done via the "skin" (like a Moodle Theme).

In Word you can do a Ctrl+H, type in searc for "Main Page" and then "Main page" and it can replace every instance.  I was wondering if something like that existed for MediaWiki.

Bots are little snooping programs that seek out stuff on a MediaWiki.  I found this  Help:Bots.  On the same page I saw something called The MassEditRegex extension.  

Just an idea.  Chris