Course Backup not working in Moodle 2.1

Re: Course Backup not working in Moodle 2.1

av Stuart Morrison -
Antall svar: 4


Would it be possible that there is not enough physical space left on the disk / in your account?

It could also be a php memory limit you are hitting (php.ini has some directives related to file sizes - usually related to uploading but I think it might also be able to throw such an error if it hits a time out limit).

On some shared services you will not be able to change the php settings.

Hope something helps!

Som svar til Stuart Morrison

Re: Course Backup not working in Moodle 2.1

av Colin Fraser -
Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Testers

I would suggest that Stuart is more accurate in his first assumption. Are you on a shared or a dedicated server? A shared server I think is more likely to throw this error so look at your  server notifications. You can also go to Administration > Development > Debugging and set Debug Messages to ALL. That will give you any additional information that may be available. 

Som svar til Colin Fraser

Re: Course Backup not working in Moodle 2.1

av Mahtab Bukhari -

May you both live in peace!

Thanks for your help.

I have turned debug messages to all and am getting the same error:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 55050240) (tried to allocate 19456 bytes) in /home/jls/public_html/ on line 844

I managed to check the disk usage and there is quite a large space available.

Then I check php settings, changed and confirmed:

upload_max_filesize = 1000M

socket_timeout = 300

connection_timeout = 300

The message is same but the figures in message are different now.

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 54788096) (tried to allocate 311296 bytes) in /home/jls/public_html/ on line 224


Any other suggestion please.

Som svar til Mahtab Bukhari

Re: Course Backup not working in Moodle 2.1

av Ann Adamcik -
Som svar til Ann Adamcik

Re: Course Backup not working in Moodle 2.1

av Mahtab Bukhari -

May you live in peace!

Thank Ann for your help.

I am using hostgator which provides me ability to access my php.ini file and alter the values. Further it provides a utility in CPanel to check the effective values.

So, I have changed the above parameters, check them that they have changed. But still I am getting this error message.

Still I created a .htaccess file with memory limit line mentioned on your suggested url. The website vanished when I uploaded this file. So, I had to remove it again.

Any other help please?