Uploading you tube videos

Re: Uploading you tube videos

ved Sue Aldrich -
Antal besvarelser: 0

Yes I was using the new embed code. I looked at the moodle.org website and it provided an instruction to click on the hotmail button, paste the you tube website and then click the update button. I did all of this which meant that when I clicked on the link in our moodle course it took me to a you tube video of the video I wanted but if I clicked on the big arrow in the middle of the you tube video I got a message about an error and to please try again later. However there was a link including the name of this video sitting over the top of the big arrow and I could click on this and another window would open with the You tube website and the video would play on this window. So at least I am getting the video to play but it still doesnt seem quite right.

