Embedding a Youtube video into a Chat post

Embedding a Youtube video into a Chat post

Frankie Kam發表於
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Hi. I've implemented a version of phpFreeChat on my course page.

Username: student
password: moodle
Go to the green collapsible topic section named "PHP FreeChat". You should now see the embedded Chat window.

I have managed to modify it to display an image if you post the image's URL.

What I would love to be able to do is to post a Youtube URL and have the Youtube video show in the chat post itself! Just like what you see in the Chatango chat widget on the front page of my Moodle site:

(You have to scroll right down to the bottom of my Moodle site to see the Chatango widget. It's on the bottom-left corner of the screen).

As far as I know, only chatango chat widget has this unique feature of allowing you to embed a Youtube video direct into the chat stream (post).

So, I would like to ask: how can I hack phpfreechat so that I can post not just the URL of a Youtube video, but the ACTUAL playable youtube video inside the chat window like how Chatango does it? Anyone??

Frankie Kam

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