How would you achieve this

How would you achieve this

על ידי George Hill בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 3

Sometimes we are confronted with the simplest of puzzles and need help

This should be a simple task, but spent for three full days trying to achieve what appears initially to be a simple task

Using moodle 1 .99

I have 3 courses

Course one: I wish only registered, authenticated and logged in users to be able see.

Course two: I wish any visitors (not logged in) to be able to see

Course three. I wish only registered, authenticated and logged in users to be able see.

My puzzle:

I can achieve: Initially visitors only see course two and if they go to either 1 or 3 link they are sent to the registration page and are asked to register as a guest (Great) ( If I “hide” the guest button all three courses are hidden so need to have "show button")

However, after they log in as a guest (to be able to see course two) and happen to return to the front page through the link they can then see and open the other two courses as a guest?

How do I completely hide two courses,  to anyone who is not fully registered including guests.

Or prevent guests from being able to return to the front page through the courses link

I have tried what I believe is every combination eg “Do not let guests” “Groups” permissions etc

Can anyone please tell me?  Is this a function of the course settings or permissions. Or how would you achieve this.

Please help a frustrated chef and please work on the kiss principle

Thank you

George Hill

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בתגובה ל: George Hill

Re: How would you achieve this

על ידי Howard Miller בתאריך
תמונה של Core developers תמונה של Documentation writers תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers תמונה של Peer reviewers תמונה של Plugin developers
I'm almost certain that there is no way to do that. Variations on "how do I hide stuff from....?" are quite common questions but Moodle was never really designed with that in mind.

Can I turn it on its head and ask what's so terrible about those courses that you have to hide them from people (even if they can't access them)? קריצה
בתגובה ל: George Hill

Re: How would you achieve this

על ידי Doug Moody בתאריך

I remember some talk about a similar problem. The way it was done was to run a cron job that put up a firewall at certain times so that certain URLs could not be reached.


בתגובה ל: Doug Moody

Re: How would you achieve this

על ידי Howard Miller בתאריך
תמונה של Core developers תמונה של Documentation writers תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers תמונה של Peer reviewers תמונה של Plugin developers
That sounds crazier than a very crazy thing.

At the end of the day, if you * have* to have this sort of behaviour then the code has to be hacked, but there's all sorts of places that can display lists of available courses. It can get messy.

As I said, though, do you *really* need to do this (not you the OP)?