How to time in selected release?

Re: How to time in selected release?

- Ana Hernandez の投稿
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as mary explained, i need to have control of  a page that will allow me to release it out in moodle and take it down automatically. currently they have that support but the problem is that it happens for days. I am looking for more specific time control. as in the page is allowed to be viewed for with a certain time frame. eg Blackboard Selctive Release control schemes.

in other words, i can set up a page now ( 12 Pm - 07/20/2011) and have it release to the students on 9am - 7/21/2011 and it will automatically removed from moodle at 10pm -07/21/2011. (please note there is hours within the release)

blackboard has a time release scheme like that and i would like to know if theer is a way to get the same type of controls as blackboard.


Thanks in advance
