Formulas question type fro Moodle 2.0

Re: Formulas question type for Moodle 2.x

by Jean-Michel Védrine -
Number of replies: 2


Just a short note to report I have uploaded a new version of the formulas question type for Moodle 2.3 to my github account.

I expect this version to be less buggy than the previous one wink.

I would be interested in bug reports, mainly about the display using various behaviours.

There are so many feedbacks in this question type that maybe I should explain what each one is used for

General feedback : as usual the only thing specific is that global variables are allowed and will be replaced by their value.

Combined feedback : I must underline that this feedback is related to the question as a whole not to each question's part (subquestion).

In adaptive and interactive with many tries behaviours this feedback is displayed after each check/try.

Global variables are allowed and will be replaced by their value.

Part (subquestion) feedback : there is one such feedback for each question's part. This is the only feedback where not only global but also local variables for that part are allowed and will be replaced by their value.

IMPORTANT: As discussed some month ago this feedback is only displayed if the student answer for this part is wrong !

Hint: Only used in interactive with many tries. The only specific thing to the formulas question type is that global variables are allowed in hints and will be replaced by their values.

Part grade display: when using adaptive behaviour, a grade for each part is displayed after each response check. It's in fact not a feature of the formulas question type but of Tim Hunt's adaptive multipart behaviour that you must install to be able to install the formulas question type.

In all other behaviours (including interacrtive with many tries) there is no grade display for each question part, only a global grade for the question sad.

But in interactive with many tries behaviour the "Clear incorrect responses" and "Show the number of responses" are available with each hint smile.

I must one more time emphasize that this is a work in progress and not ready in my opinion to be used on a production server. And also that a lot of feature are still missing : upgrade from Moodle 1.9 or 2.0, restoration of course backups made by Moodle 1.9 or 2.0.

The only goal of this message is that "motivated" users can help me to iron out as much bugs as we can before adding the remaining missing features.

As you can guess this question type is very complex and rewriting it for the new question engine is a big task (In fact now that I know the complexity of the task, I wonder whether I should have undertaken it smile, but it's too late, and I really think that the worst is behind me !)

I have tested this new version with Moodle 2.4 (and 2.5dev) and the only  problem I see is that Hon Wai Lau's javascript is no more working (it is still working well with Moodle 2.3.3+ latest version). That doesn't prevent the question type from working but the nice syntax checker tooltip for each response field with the incorrect syntax warning is gone sad

And the bad new is that I have very limited javascript knowledge !

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

תשובה ל: Re: Formulas question type for Moodle 2.x

by anat peri -

GOD bless you!big grin

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Formulas question type for Moodle 2.x

by Jean-Michel Védrine -

Another thing that I think need some explanations is how marks are calculated in interactive with many tries and in adaptive behaviours.

Interactive with many tries

The grading is done using a "countback" method for each part of the question.

The code look at the try when the student changed his reponse for this part for the last time.

  • If this response is wrong, part's mark is set to 0.
  • If this response is right, part grade is equal to mark calculated for that response (rules are unchanged for previous versions of formulas question type, except that I suppressed the "trial mark sequence" available in previous versions of the formulas question type) minus question's penalty multiplied by the number of tries until that last change.

Note that this is similar to what will be done for multianswer questions in Moodle 2.5 once MDL-36955 (accepted by Tim and currently waiting for integration revue) is integrated in Moodle.

Note that it's quite possible to have a right response at try 1, then  a wrong one at try 2, then again a right response at try 3 and in that case 2 time the penalty will be deduced. Of course if you have activated "Clear wrong responses" the student was stupid to change his response for that part between try1 and try 2 smile.


When you choose this behaviour, each time the student press the  "Check" button a new try is not necessarily recorded for each part of the question :

- a new try is recorded for a part if the student's response for that part is a new one (it has never be seen before for that part during the attempt). This is to make sure the same mistake is not penalized twice.

- no try is registered for a part if there is no response. This means that it is possible to try a response for some parts of the question and not been penalized for unanswered ones.

- once a part is correctly answered, input is disabled and no further try can be recorded for that part.

At the end of quiz attempt, each question part is graded separately and mark for a part is either 0 if final response is wrong or calculated mark minus question penalty multiplied by the number of tries recorded for that part.

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