Theme developers with a bit of spare time

Theme developers with a bit of spare time

Jeremy FitzPatrickdən -
Number of replies: 5
Plugin developers istifadəçinin şəkili

Hi all

I am working on a theme which imho has quite a bit of potential.  I know from experience a good theme takes a lot of work to get right. And themes seem to generate a (insert favourite expletive) lot of postings in the Moodle discussion forums which leads me to suspect they require a lot of maintenace too. So I don't feel I will be able to properly support a theme on my own.

Rather than give up or release an incomplete theme with unknown bugs I'm hoping that there will be some themers out there who will like where I am heading with my theme and be able to help out and contribute to a collaboratively developed theme.

The main features are a clean approach and icons for blocks and the dock.

Have a look at it at Log in as a guest

I look forward to you many generous offers of support. göz vururam

Attachment screenshot.jpg
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In reply to Jeremy FitzPatrick

Re: Theme developers with a bit of spare time

James Cracknelldən -


Looks excellent - though the only thing I see is missing is a drop down menu IMHO - makes navigation so much easier.

In reply to Jeremy FitzPatrick

Re: Theme developers with a bit of spare time

Ishan Andersdən -

Hi Jeremy,

really good theme gülürəm. I'm not a theme developer, but I can test it if you want. I'm able to make some modifications. Sometimes I customize themes. 

I love the "cleaness" of the theme. It looks professional. In other themes I love (and I think its a need) horizontal menus, like in the "decaf" from Lei.

What do you think about horizontal menus and do you have plans to integrate such menus?



In reply to Ishan Anders

Re: Theme developers with a bit of spare time

Jeremy FitzPatrickdən -
Plugin developers istifadəçinin şəkili

Thanks for your offer to test the theme Ishan. I have had a lot of really positive feedback so despite a lack of available time I will continue development. I think I need to make a development plan and prioritise the main features - which is the dock icons. I can then make a road map to include other features as popularity demands.
