restrict acces for teacher moodle 2.0

restrict acces for teacher moodle 2.0

María del Mar de la Higuera -
Кількість відповідей: 4

Can I restrict access for teachers for each lesson of a course ? I mean, teacher 'x' could modify only lesson 1 and teacher 'y' could modify only lesson 2, etc. 

Thanks a lot.

У відповідь на María del Mar de la Higuera

Re: restrict acces for teacher moodle 2.0

Alejo Becerra Diaz -

You can assign non-editing-teacher to the, well, non editing teacher усміхаюсь

If it doesn't helps, let us know.


У відповідь на Alejo Becerra Diaz

Re: restrict acces for teacher moodle 2.0

María del Mar de la Higuera -

Yes, I know this possibility exists but that I really would like is that each teacher could only edit his own lesson within a course, Imagine a course in which we have Lesson 1, Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 (we have three "independents" blocks for each lesson) we have a teacher who could only edit lesson 1, another one who can only edit lesson 2 and one more who can only edit lesson I explain myself ? I really don't know if this will be possible...

Again thanks a lot.


У відповідь на María del Mar de la Higuera

Re: restrict acces for teacher moodle 2.0

Alejo Becerra Diaz -


Ok. I was unsure what were you referring to with the term "lesson". So each lesson is a theme/section, ok. IFAIK, there is no way to override roles at a section level, but, as it is said a lot of times, technical measures help, but this is a matter of stating the proper procedures: if each teacher knows that he must only work inside his own lesson, and is encouraged to work seeing only his own lesson, to avoid mistakes, there should be no problem.

There is always someone that can ruin your work (be it another teacher, be it an admin). Technical blocks help avoid mistakes (and give a sense of security and reinforce procedure propagation: if you can't do a thing, maybe it is because you are not supposed to do it), but in the end the proper procedures are so or more important.

Nonetheless, I also think that a section role override (along with other possibilities allowed in activities and resources, like conditional visibility, assign only to a grouping...) would be very desirable. I'll have to remember to check the tracker about that and open a new issue if needed.

Hope this helps.


У відповідь на Alejo Becerra Diaz

Re: restrict acces for teacher moodle 2.0

María del Mar de la Higuera -

Thanks a lot, Alejo, It's exactly what I wanna do...I know we can tell professors what theme is which they can modify, but in order to avoid someone can ruin their work (as well as you say) I think it would be interesting to have any tools to help us put some limits.

BR. усміхаюсь