Victor Borge - 75 years of entertainment (1909-2000)!

Victor Borge - 75 years of entertainment (1909-2000)!

by Frankie Kam -
Number of replies: 0
Gambar Plugin developers

I couldn't resist spending time on this one.
Classical music is timeless, and so is Victor Borge.
He died at the age of 91 years, but not before entertaining for 75 years!

This tribute to the one-of-a-kind child prodigy, humourist and master concert pianist is for those of you who use Moodle to teach or enjoy classical music or opera. If you are in any way related to classical music, or like good clean comedy, or studying drama or body language, then you are in for a real treat.
Username: student
Password: moodle

My personal favourite videos in the Playlist are the ones entitled 'Silence', 'Playing Chopin' and ''Happy Birthdays (A CLASSIC!)'.

I've also attached the xml file that contains links to over 50 Youtube videos of Victor Borge. Note: the xml file works only with the third-party mod Media Player for Moodle 1.9 installed on your Moodle site. I recommend using the "Fashion" skin.

Frankie Kam

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