end of year grades/summary grades

end of year grades/summary grades

- chris muench の投稿
返信数: 1


I'm looking into using moodle for our small(30 student) college. We do NOT have a SIS at the moment(nor do I really want to use one).

Does Moodle support any sort of reporting or interface where I can see all of a users/students grades and also what courses they still need for a specfic degree?  This seems to be one area where everyone is lacking or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.

Any help on this would be much appreciated as at the moment I'm a bit lost with trying to familiarize myself with all the moodle terms.


(I'm not an educator/faculty by trade.  simply IT guy who got tasked with evalling and presenting an eLearning system to the college board) 笑顔