Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Chick Lindsay -
Number of replies: 12

We are using Moodle 1.9.11 in our school system.  I would like to embed an mp3 into my webrhubarb exercise, and have students access it through our Moodle install.

We have an embedded mp3 player in our Moodle install, but when I upload my webrhubarb.html file to our install, we are only able to have the mp3 load into a separate window.  I would much prefer to have the slider-bar, embedded control over the mp3 as the student listens and types the correct text.

Is there a way to upload the raw webrhubarb.rhb file into Moodle ?  How do I get the Moodle install to show the sound file slider control bar in the exercise itself.

Thanks for any help.

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In reply to Chick Lindsay

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Glenys Hanson -

Hi Chick,

I do this a lot. I use Dewplayer and paste the following code into the exercise.

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dewplayer.swf?mp3=01.mp3&amp;showtime=1" width="200" height="20"><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="dewplayer.swf?mp3=01.mp3&amp;showtime=1" /></object>


Here's an example in Moodle 1.9.11 with the exercise presented through QuizPort (the WebRhubarb source code has been modified in several ways): Reorganising the cleaners. I'm using the .htm file because of the modified source code.



In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Gordon Bateson -
Core developers இன் படம் Peer reviewers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம்

hi Chick,

as Glenys says, you can insert your own object tags to use your favortie player. I thikn you can also just set the "Force media plugins" to "Yes" in the HotPot settings page (Moodle 1.9) and the player will be inserted for you.


In reply to Gordon Bateson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Gordon Bateson -
Core developers இன் படம் Peer reviewers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம்

Hi Chick,

if you continue to have difficulty inserting the media player, please upload the quiz and audio file to my development server and add it to the following course as a HotPot or QuizPort activity, so that we can all understand more clearly the nature of the problem you are trying to solve.


In reply to Gordon Bateson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Chick Lindsay -

Hi Gordon, Glenys

Thank you for your help with this. I created a folder in the 'files' folder of CF101 titled 'clindsay'.  In that folder I uploaded the mp3, a jpg and the .rhb and the .html files for the exercise I am trying to create.

We are running Moodle 1.9.11 here.

I am trying to learn how to embed media objects (e.g. mp3 or .flv) into a websequitur and webrhubarb exercise.  I am a little confused about which module to use:  Hotpot or a simple 'file or website' resource.

Also I am not clear where in the configuration settings  to insert the media object code. 

Glenys also mentioned that she uses Dewplayer to help her run her webrhubarb multimedia learning objects.  Is the Dewplayer code a separate insertion in each webrhubarb activity?

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.  I don't have access to the Quizport module at this time.  My school system is experiencing technical support employee turnover.  I have been told that any upgrades to Moodle 2.0 or beyond will be in the future. துக்கம்  This is troublesome for me but I don't have a work around for the time being.

Chick Lindsay
Menomonie, WI

In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Chick Lindsay -


Do I install the Dewplayer code inside each Webrhubarb file (and then upload the html output)?
Does my tech person have to install Dewplayer on the server?  I don't have control over the install itself....unfortunately.

Is there a way to install the raw Webrhubarb code into Moodle?  It seems that when I upload a raw .jcl or .jmt file into the Hotpotatoes module, I am able to get the flash player to work ...for a movie for example. 

But when I upload the .html output from webrhubarb into a Resource file ('link to file or website) the exercise does not work ... the media plug-in appears (the slider bar) but the exercise itself doesn't work...notice the 'preparing exercise' window.


In reply to Chick Lindsay

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Glenys Hanson -

Hi Chick,

I went to Gordon's site and diplayed your exercise throught the Hot Potatoes module (Add an activity... > Hot Potatoes quiz) as Should students be paid to do well in school? original and saw that there was no Flash player.

I downloaded your folder, made some changes and uploaded the exercise again in a folder called clindsay_gh I displayed the .htm file through the Hot Potatoes Quiz module as : Should students be paid to do well in school? GH This way grades are added to the Moodle gradebook so you know what your students have done.

I've listed the changes I made in Add audio to WebRhubarb.doc in the Files section on that site.

I think the problem was you didn't have a Flash player to play your mp3 file.

I also displayed the exercise as a simple Resource. This means it's as it would be on an "ordinary" site: the grades are not added to the Moodle gradebook and you don't know whether or not your students have done the exercise.

You can experiment on Gordon's site with:

  • linking to the .rhb file
  • setting the "Force media plugins" to "Yes" in the HotPot settings page as Gordon suggests

to see what suits you best.

Hope this helps,


In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Chick Lindsay -


Thank you so much.  This clears up so much of my confusion.

One question remains: When adding audio to Webrhubarb (or any multimedia to any of the Hotpot tools: jcl, jmt, jmx, jcr, sqt, rhb) should I always add that flash player code into the Instructions section?

I recall trying to insert a .flv file into a .jcl file recently, and the Moodle install did display the video properly.  I had uploaded the raw .jcl as a Hotpot Activity.

When I add a flash video or an mp3 to a question in the Quiz module for example, our Moodle install will deploy the built in flash player... so the mp3 or .flv can be controlled with the user control slider bar.

I hope this narrative makes sense.

Thanks again for your help.


In reply to Chick Lindsay

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Glenys Hanson -

Hi Chick,

You might find this explanation by Gordon useful: Using the actual hotpot or the generated htm file better?

I've uploaded a new version of your exercise which uses Dewplayer: Should students be paid to do well in school? Dewplayer

This is so that you can compare the different possibilities and make your own choices. I usually use Dewplayer for longer texts because there's a pause button so students have more control over the player.

You control which player Moodle uses when you create or update the Hot Potatoes Quiz: see screenshot below.

Because I've chosen:

Force media plugins No

Moodle uses "my" Flash player, in this case Dewplayer.



Attachment 05-05-2011 08-48-57.png
In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Chick Lindsay -


Thank you, thank you!  I understand the use of embedded flash players least much better than I did a couple of days ago.

I took your version of the file using Dewplayer and uploaded it to my school's server, and it worked just like you said:  the Dewplayer was available, and the embedded flashplayer that  is normally used by our Moodle install did not interfere.

This is what I was trying to understand.  I think I understand the 'Force Media Plug-in' option better.

Thanks again for all this explanation.


In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Chick Lindsay -

Hi !

I am installing some Webrhubarb and Websequitur exercises on a new install of Moodle.

When I link to these files as administrator, the files work as planned...sound file with dewplayer etc and uploaded images appear too.

But when I link to these files as a student, the sound files do not appear, nor do the image files.

What do you suppose is the problem?

Thanks for any help.  I am using a 1.9.11 install of Moodle.


In reply to Chick Lindsay

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Glenys Hanson -

Hi Chick,

This could be because the sound and image files have not been uploaded with the HP files and the links in the exercises are pointing to somewhere the "admin" role has acces and the "student" role doesn't.

Are you by any chance using groups and groupings?

Are you using the Hot Potatoes activity or QuizPort to display the exercises?

If you upload the exercises to Gordon's site, what happens?



In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Using Webrhubarb with embedded mp3

by Chick Lindsay -


Thank you for your great suggestions.  I think my question was a bit premature.  I have a few other things to figure out on this new experience of restoring a course to a new installation of Moodle.  As I write this, I am uploading my backup files to the new install.

If problem persists, I will return to forum!

Thanks again.
