Embedding Flash Animation into a new Moodle Block

Embedding Flash Animation into a new Moodle Block

yazan Ray Jr -
Yanıt sayısı: 2


I know how to create a new block in Moodle 1.4.3 (thank you Jon Papaioannou!smile). However, I would like to embed a flash animation (using JavaScript) into my new block. I'm not sure if this is possible. If it is possible, can anyone provide instructions on how to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


Ray Jr yanıt olarak

Re: Embedding Flash Animation into a new Moodle Block

yazan Jan Dierckx -
These blocks contain a flash animation. I don't have any real instructions, but maybe you can take a look at the code and combine it with Jon's general instructions on creating a block. Good luck!
Jan Dierckx yanıt olarak

Re: Embedding Flash Animation into a new Moodle Block

yazan Ray Jr -

Thanks Jan!

I will take a look at your code and try to implement it in my site.
