MySQL - show lessons from a course

MySQL - show lessons from a course

- Steve Bilton の投稿
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I've been attempting to create a mysql query which will show the following information from 2 tables.

I'm searching for strings contained within the mdl_lesson_pages 'contents' field and outputting which lessons these strings are located & the page within each lesson where the strings are located.

So I want to display when search for particular strings the following info:-

The onpage lesson id (when moused over from the main course page).
The lessonpage id (when inside a lesson)
The lesson title (of the lesson)
The previous page id (when inside a lesson)
The next page id (when inside a lesson)

Tables & Fields

The mdl_lesson_pages (id),
mdl_course_module (instance),
mdl_lesson_pages (lessonid),
mdl_lesson_pages (title),
mdl_course_module (course),
mdl_course_module (prevpageid),
mdl_course_module (nextpageid)


So far I have I can only get this to display all information except for the ID of the mdl_lesson_pages table. This is due to the fact id are both used in the two tables and I need to output the mdl_lesson_pages id and not the mdl_course_modules id but I can't.

So far I have this command :


SELECT instance, lessonid, title, course, prevpageid, nextpageid
FROM mdl_course_modules
JOIN mdl_lesson_pages
ON mdl_course_modules.instance = mdl_lesson_pages.lessonid
WHERE (`contents` LIKE '%/AsbAware_files/%')
ORDER BY course
LIMIT 0 , 300

this outputs the following :


instance lessonid title course prevpageid nextpageid
1374 1374 1.3 The three main types of asbestos 60 60521 60523
1375 1375 The Asbestos legacy IS a Major Problem! 60 60526 60528
1375 1375 2.2    Medical Examinations 60 60527 60529
1375 1375 2.4 What are the risks? 60 60529 60531
1376 1376 3.1 examples of asbestos in buildings 60 60532 60534
1376 1376 3.2 Examples of Asbestos-Containing Materials 60 60533 60535
1377 1377 4.0 What to do if you uncover Asbestos 60 0 60537
1377 1377 4.2 Example Asbestos Management Policy (Cont.) 60 60537 60539
1378 1378 5.4 Preventing or reducing exposure (regulation 11... 60 60543 60545
1378 1378 6.1 Supporting Guidance 60 60546 60548
1378 1378 6.2 Further Examples of Asbestos (Cont.) 60 60547 60549
1378 1378 6.2 Further Examples of Asbestos (Cont.) 60 60548 60550
1378 1378 6.2 Further Examples of Asbestos (Cont.) 60 60549 60551
1378 1378 6.2 Further Examples of Asbestos (Cont.) 60 60550 60552
1378 1378 6.2 Further Examples of Asbestos (Cont.) 60 60551 60553

But as you can see this doesn't output the ID from the mdl_lesson_pages table.

I can't quite work out how to output the ID field (from either table as they are ambiguous)

I was hoping some kind sole would help me out here, this is driving me barmy! I have hundreds of pages where I need to locate certain strings, to do this manually is a knightmare with the lesson module as the ID's don't corresponde.

The lessonid & instance are the matching fields from the two tables.

Much appreciated for any assistance!!

P.S. Why the lesson module built this way I will never know, doesn't make much sense to me...


SELECT instance, lessonid, title, course, prevpageid, nextpageid
FROM mdl_course_modules
JOIN mdl_lesson_pages
ON mdl_course_modules.instance = mdl_lesson_pages.lessonid
WHERE (`contents` LIKE '%')

ORDER BY course
LIMIT 0 , 300