Gradebook Percents (Moodle 1.9)

Gradebook Percents (Moodle 1.9)

Tara Bladow -
Кількість відповідей: 0

We are trying to figure out the best way to accurately display our students grades. We are currently using the Graded and Ungraded categories with simple weighted mean.  We have the aggregate only box unchecked for graded and checked for ungraded, so that missing work is calculated as a 0.  Totals for Graded are 100, Ungraded are 0 and Course Total is 100.

This works great for the majority of our students but we also have a large population of students who are rolling enrollments and start the classes at various times.  Therefore they start at 0% and have to work their way up until they get an accurate portrayal of their grade. The other issue is for the students who work ahead and the Ungraded (future work) is not factored in yet.

Is there a way to accurately portray correct percentages for all 3 types of students??  Any and ALL advice appreaciated усміхаюсь