Grades and IF Statement

Grades and IF Statement

Pierre Clavet - ން
Number of replies: 8

Hello everyone,

Just wondering if I can use IF Statements when creating a formula for the final grade. If so, can you give me an example of the synthax? Is it the same as Excel?

Many thanks,


In reply to Pierre Clavet

Re: Grades and IF Statement

Itamar Tzadok - ން

There are no IF statements per se. What calculation do you have in mind? ހިނިތުން ވުން

In reply to Itamar Tzadok

Re: Grades and IF Statement

Marylan Hightree - ން
In reply to Marylan Hightree

Re: Grades and IF Statement

Itamar Tzadok - ން

With a formula you can do something like the following:

=round(([[test1] ]/100)-0.4,0)*25

You can use such a formula in category totals or manual grade items.

hth ހިނިތުން ވުން

Here is how the formula would work:

with test1 score 95


with test1 score 89


with test1 score 0


In reply to Itamar Tzadok

Re: Grades and IF Statement

Kesede Rodrigues Julio - ން
Hi Itamar! How do I round up of 0.5 to 0.5? For example: 8.25 <= grade < 8.5 = 8.5 and 8 < grade < 8.25 = 8.0 thanks
In reply to Kesede Rodrigues Julio

Re: Grades and IF Statement

Itamar Tzadok - ން







ހިނިތުން ވުން

In reply to Itamar Tzadok

Re: Grades and IF Statement

Kesede Rodrigues Julio - ން
Hi Itamar!! I have other problem! I would like change the grade by other. For example: (G1*0,4) + (G2*0,6) = M G1 and G2 are into grouping different. If the student do the G3 and this grade is greater than G1 or G2, G3 will substitute this grade into compute. thanks again!! PS.: The "IF" would solve my problem, but...