Questions with two numeric answers

Re: Questions with two numeric answers

Jules Mathews -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

Hi, Jeff. Thanks for answering. I'm using Lesson because that is, actually, what I'm trying to achieve: teaching the students how to make the drug calculations rather than testing them on their ability to do them, and this seemed like the appropriate module. I have already made lessons with several other question formats but this one has got me beat.

Here is a sample question of the type with which I'm struggling:

 175 mL of 25% Suplena must be prepared for a tube feeding. You have available full strength Suplena. To prepare the feeding, you dilute ___ mL of the full strength Suplena with ___ mL of water.

As you can see, two numeric answers are required and I would like to be able to reproduce something close to the testing program which has two answer fields adjacent to eachother on the question page.

Thanks for any input you have.