htaccess issues

htaccess issues

par Ryan Larkin-Smith,
Nombre de réponses : 0

I have a site that I have set up to run .htaccess to force all access points to the encrypted connection. The reason for this is that my site handles a bunch of sensitive student information. My htaccess document is very simple and does nothing but to direct all users to https.


The problem that I ma having is that moodle will not allow a login. I have the https log in set up in the security (using moodle 1.9). When I disable my htaccess, moodle works great, when I re-enable it I lose the ability to login, again even though I have turned on the security in moodle to https for login.

Does anyone have any ideas of a better way to allow moodle to work and make users logging into the rest of my site use the https.

I don't need moodle to be encrypted, but the rest of my site I do. ?????????????

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