Getting HTML editor content (value) dynamically

can't embed a video in a forum post - now in 1.7 - can you help pls?

بواسطة - daniel ginerman
عدد الردود: 0
hi people,
long time has passed since we had that problem in 1.4.3. then, it was enough to add the iframe, object, embed tags to the allowed ones in weblib.php
i tried the same in my 1.7 installation at, but the results were errors in dmllib.php and weblib.php, and the forum stopped to work.
i'm trying to do something innocent: i want to embed videos in one forum, to have it working as a vodcast-alike.
the code I inserted was: "
(center)(embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars="")(/embed)(br)YodTeth Kislev 5767- Hisvaadus Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh shlit"a in Jerusalem - part 3 (/center)" --- (i'm sustituing <> for () with the hope of having this code displayed here.
but when I see the post, it only has the text portion; when I edit it, all the (embed)(/embed) has dissapeared.
please, what do I have to change in any configuration file to have the possibility of embedding in my forum posts enabled?
thanx in advance,
