Moodle 2.0.1 SOAP message example?

Moodle 2.0.1 SOAP message example?

Bill Antonia - ން
Number of replies: 1


Does anyone have or know where there is an example of a SOAP message to create user accounts or courses using the standard Moodle web services?

If so, can someone point them out or provide an example?


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In reply to Bill Antonia

Re: Moodle 2.0.1 SOAP message example?

Bill Antonia - ން


I added a few lines to the moodle/lib/zend/Zend/Soap/Server.php at around line 807

public function handle($request = null)
if (null === $request) {
$request = file_get_contents('php://input');

//Added code
//End added code

Then do a test from within Moodle to create a user through SOAP web services.

From the resulting output I was able to form a SOAP message using SAAJ to create a simple course, see the attachment. Will extend this to create a Java SOAP library.