2.0 Editor: Handle Microsoft Word Better?

2.0 Editor: Handle Microsoft Word Better?

از Clark Moodler در
Number of replies: 2


One of our bigger issues has been Microsoft users who paste in formatted content from MS Word into Moodle - getting all kinds of gibberish, truncated posts, losing the edit/delete links in forum posts, etc.

I'm wondering, for those who are using 2.0+ with the Tiny MCE editor, is this better at all with the new editor, or about the same or worse??




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In reply to Clark Moodler

Re: 2.0 Editor: Handle Microsoft Word Better?

از Colin Fraser در
عکس Documentation writers عکس Particularly helpful Moodlers عکس Testers

I agree, the nonsense of having to make continual edits because people are too lazy to do it themselves... really sucks. Early testing has shown that TinyMCE is considerably more successful at stripping out that rubbish code that word docs bring with them than TextArea editor was - I am glad to say...

In reply to Clark Moodler

Re: 2.0 Editor: Handle Microsoft Word Better?

از Justin Litalien در

Hey Clark, greetings from Plymouth State (we met a few times at the last two CIT conferences)!

I stumbled across your post from last year and wondered if you're seeing better success with Microsoft code in 2.x. We are migrating faculty over this summer and from what I've seen so far, the new TinyMCE editor is doing a stand up job.

Any thoughts to add? Thanks!
