All-or-nothing multiple choice, drag-and-drop matching, and drag-and-drop ordering for 2.0

Re: All-or-nothing multiple choice, drag-and-drop matching, and drag-and-drop ordering for 2.0

by Adriane Boyd -
Number of replies: 1

No, mainly because there's no standard GIFT format for all-or-nothing multiple choice and it's difficult to develop new GIFT formats that don't conflict with the existing question types.  It wouldn't be entirely impossible to add, but any GIFT format for all-or-nothing multiple would need to look very similar to normal multiple choice, which would probably lead to confusion.

The only currently supported import/export format is moodle XML.  If you have existing questions that you want to convert from multiple choice to all-or-nothing multiple choice, it would be pretty easy to convert a moodle XML export of the multiple choice questions to the all-or-nothing type with a simple search and replace.

Basically, make sure the right answers have grades of 100% and the wrong answers grades of 0% (which I think is the default if you've done a GIFT import, but I'm not sure).  Export the multiple choice questions in moodle XML format and in the moodle XML export, change all occurrences of

<question type="multichoice">


<question type="multichoiceset">

Import the modified file and all the modified questions should be added as all-or-nothing multichoice.  Normal multiple choice has a few more options than all-or-nothing, but I think the import will just ignore these options.  I also think that unpredictable things will happen if your grades aren't all either 100 or 0, because all-or-nothing doesn't know how to deal with any other grades.

Note that I haven't tried this out myself, so it may not be quite as straightforward as I've imagined...

La media da valetaziuns: Useful (1)
In reply to Adriane Boyd

Re: All-or-nothing multiple choice, drag-and-drop matching, and drag-and-drop ordering for 2.0

by Julien Cros -

Hi Adriane,

I haven't said it in my previous post but: "Thank you for the updates".

I'll experiment your suggestions and report here results.

Thanks again,


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