Having trouble with default answers.

Re: Having trouble with default answers.

'mei a Chris Collman - 'aho
Number of replies: 0
Picture of Documentation writers

Hi Michele,
which version is your site using.

I suspect there is a language or vocabulary issue going on here.  Computers and software programs are stupid.  Moodle is not communicating well.

You have asked a couple of quesitons.

Your host basically told you that in Lesson settings there is "display default feedback" which was set to "yes" and they set it to "no".  They did not tell you that there is a string (bit of text) that the site administrator can edit to change those silly words.   They did not tell you that "feedback" under lesson settings and "response" in a lesson question refer to the same thing. 

I think your host is saying that problem is fixed.

I am not sure why they changed the answers to be one point because either you did not post it or they failed to tell you. I am guessing that the question was a  multiple choice question with the multianswer box checked. Read Lesson questions in Moodle Docs about this question type and how right and wrong answers must be scored and responses given.

Thank you for your post.  I realized that Lesson questions in MoodleDoc was not correct for the short answer and short essay question types.

We all appreciate how illogical a new program acts Malimali   I hope this helps.  Chris