Remove the "Return to" appended to Link to acitivity

Re: Remove the "Return to" appended to Link to acitivity

Walid Hammad -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

Thank you Chris!

I am interested in the php solution as I would want to completely remove return to phrase just from the activity link but not from returning to course.

So i found the code that causes this to be in mod/lesson/locallib.php


return html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/'.$modname.'/view.php', array('id'=>$this->properties->activitylink)),
get_string('returnto', 'lesson', get_string('activitylinkname', 'lesson', $instancename)),
array('class'=>'centerpadded lessonbutton standardbutton'));


I don't seem to understand truely how the arguments for the function get_string work, because putting any other string in place of 'returnto' would result in the link appearing as [/[ lesson ]/] rather than Go to: Activity name

Anyhow, Thanks again besišypsantis

