Grade Averages not correct for student scores in a course

Grade Averages not correct for student scores in a course

لە لایەن David Nash -
Number of replies: 2


How do I get the Gradebook to accurately average the scores on a Course?

I am getting al ot of flack on this as 1 -2 % can make a big difference.

Example: A Student has completed all 13 Tests:

The total added Percentage is 1195. Divide it by 13 and you get 91.92 which rounds up to 92.

The Grade book scores 89.

Any ideas on what the settings should be to get the average score accurate?

I'm running moodle 1.9.3+


In reply to David Nash

Re: Grade Averages not correct for student scores in a course

لە لایەن Michelle Moore -

Please do post screenshots, but also consider upgrading your site. After the improvements made to the gradebook in version 1.9.5, I found these sorts of issues were easier to resolve and seemed to happen less often. If upgrading isn't an option, then hopefully between the three of us, we can figure out what's happening and get this fixed. زەردەخەنە