how to prevent "Content-Length:..." from displaying

how to prevent "Content-Length:..." from displaying

hussein s -
Кількість відповідей: 0
Hi all,
I am creating a demo website. I got some educational resources up and I can retrieve them fine as admin or as student, no problem. However, each time I click on a resource, I receive "Content-Length:" ...(number) message at the top of the page.
How can I prevent this text from being inserted inside the page content ?

moodle 1.9, fantastico installation
page content: Arabic utf8
browsers:firefox and chrome

Resources were added to moodle by uploading a zip file as a resource
to a course. Then each resource is added individually by linking
to the corresponding html file in the unzipped folder.

I also tried creating a resource by linking it to a directory.
Then each time a file within the directory is accessed (from moodle)
the problem persists.

Thanks for any help.