Teacher entering quiz response

Teacher entering quiz response

Hawk Wala發表於
Number of replies: 2

We are using Quiz module to grade students. However, a large number of students do not have access to computers. These students will be turning in their completed Quiz in paper format. Can a teacher or administrator enter student name and their responses in Quiz module so that this module can do the grading? Any help and ideas are welcome (If you are thinking to suggest providing computers to all students then unfortunately that will not work!).

Hawk Wala

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In reply to Hawk Wala

Re: Teacher entering quiz response

Edward Burke發表於
It may be quicker to simply grade the paper quizzes and enter the grades.  Moodle grades objective questions, but the instructor must look at the essays and other subjective answers anyway.  With the answer key, the teacher can probably do the work much faster than entering all the info, and it will eliminate the chance of an incorrect entry resulting in a compromised grade.  Hope this helps
In reply to Edward Burke

Re: Teacher entering quiz response

Hawk Wala發表於

Thank you for your response and suggestion. There are no essays or descriptive questions in this quiz. There are 25 questions and each question has only one correct response (Responses are A, B, C, D, or E).