Guest login vs. no login

Guest login vs. no login

Claus Tøndering གིས-
Number of replies: 2
What is the difference (if any) between being logged in as guest and not being logged in at all?

Is there, for example, any difference on the front page between the capabilities of a casual visitor who does not log in and a visitor who has logged in as guest?
དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -
In reply to Claus Tøndering

Re: Guest login vs. no login

Mark Stevens གིས-
Do you have auto-login guests set? In either case, there doesn't appear to be much difference on the front page. Guests can't do much, but if auto-login guests is set, then they can enter courses that allow guest access.