Adding print support to the editor

Adding print support to the editor

Steve Sharrad -


We've found a way of enabling print support to the editor by editing the htmlarea.php file in htdocs\lib\editor, by adding the following lines;

 separator", "htmlmode", "separator", "popupeditor","separator","printeditor"]

to the toolbar declaration, and also the following to btnlist;

printeditor: [ "print", "ed_print.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("print");}],

Ive included the file as well 微笑

Just wondering if anyone else has done this and if they found any problems, as it seems a very easy thing todo.

Any ideas if its going tobe included in future updates?


回复Steve Sharrad

Re: Adding print support to the editor

Janne Mikkonen -
Sorry that I haven't pay attention to this. I'll check this out asap 眨眼

回复Janne Mikkonen

Re: Adding print support to the editor

Dave Richford -

Thought I'd better check before I posted this myself. My users have also requested the print button and I came up with the same solution as Moby - all the required functionality is already programmed into the HTMLarea.

Is there any possibility of seeing this as part of the standard installation?


Dave Richford

回复Dave Richford

Re: Adding print support to the editor

Janne Mikkonen -
The only problem for print button is "already stuffed" toolbar, where to put it...
回复Janne Mikkonen

Re: Adding print support to the editor

Dave Richford -

Several options here -

1. Extend the toolbar width again
2. Remove two vertical division bars (what we did)
3. Replace a relatively unused button like strikethrough (controversial!)
4. Admit defeat and start a new toolbar (what we had to do with our other RTE in a different system)
5. Dont put it in

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Dave Richford