External Database Enrolment Problem Windows IIS

External Database Enrolment Problem Windows IIS

Mark Adams -
Vastausten määrä: 0


Has anyone got the external database enrolment plugin successfully working on windows server (2003) with IIS (6). I have got it working ok on my local apache installation but when I've uploaded to our windows server, it doesn't work.

It successfully connects to the database so i know the username, host, password etc.. are correct. I've double checked the user id and course id fields are correct for both local and external. I've also checked that the course has enrollable set to 'No'. Though when I login as a user they are not enrolled on any courses.

Are there any extra settings you have to change somewhere on the server to make it work on Windows? Apologies is this is a bit brief but I really have tried everything and have now run out of ideas. The only possible reason I can think of as to why it might not work is because I have created my enrolment table within the main Moodle Database (so it isn't actually remote)..but this still worked on my Apache installation.

Thanks in advance.

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