submit quiz function

submit quiz function

por Sara ALkafri -
Número de respuestas: 2
Hi all....

I am working on modifying add quiz activity
there is 2 button viewed in course/modedit.php page
the buttons are (save and return to course , save and display)

i'd like to find the function that submit the page field and add it

to database .

i found where the button added in the form
but i really want to know where the data is added to DB

can any body help me..... please????


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En respuesta a Sara ALkafri

Re: submit quiz function

por Tim Hunt -
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The way Moodle modules work, there are two functions defined in mod/quiz/lib.php, quiz_add_instance and quiz_update_instance, that are called when the editing form is submitted. (Which one is called depends on whether you are adding a new quiz, or editing an existing one.)

Of course, you will have noticed, from the URL in your web browser, that the editing form is processed by the course/modedit.php form. That is what calls the appropriate quiz function.
Promedio de valuaciones (ratings):Useful (1)